Horse Dander
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Ντουμάζιος Σταύρος |
Ωτορινολαρυγγολόγος, Αμφιλοχία |
Common Name: Horse Dander
Latin Name: Equus caballus
NCCLS Code: E3
Description: Exposure to horse dandruff is a well-known cause of allergic asthma and rhinitis. Studies show that patients react mostly to horse dandruff, serum proteins or both. Major horse proteins are found in hair or dander and epitheliums[1] .
A n allergen from horse dander, Equ c 5 has been purified. Its biochemical and biophysical properties have been characterized and compared with those of Equ c 1, Equ c 2 and Equ c 4. Their molecular masses, determined by mass spectrometry, were 22 kDa for Equ c 1, 16 kDa for Equ c 2, 18.7 kDa for Equ c 4 and 16.7 kDa for Equ c 5. Their pI values were between 3.8 and 5.25. Equ c 2 and Equ c 5 are not glycosylated, while Equ c 4 contains a tri-antennary tri-sialylated N-linked glycan [2].
Allergenic Proteins (with molecular weight):Equ c 1; lipocalin at molecular weight 25 kDa Equ c 2 (Antigen #6); lipocalin at molecular weight of 19 kDa
In-House Clinical Evaluation Results:
Sensitivity: 90% Specificity: 100%
Efficiency: 92% Number of Samples: 12
ELISA inhibition revealed IgE cross-reactivities between Can f 1 and human TL, between Can f 1 and Can f 2, and between Equ c 1 and Mus m 1. Low levels of IgE to human TL were found in the sera of seven dog-allergic patients of whom six were IgE-positive for Can f 1 [2].
The 18mer peptide p143-160 from the immunodominant region of Equ c 1 is a potential candidate for the peptide-based immunotherapy of horse-sensitized subjects[3].
1. Hitachi Chemical Diagnostics, Inc. Allergy Monograph Series. Resource Guide to most Common Allergens, 2000-2003.
2. Goubran Botros H, Poncet P, Rabillon J, Fontaine T, Laval JM, David B. Biochemical characterization and surfactant properties of horse allergens. ur J Biochem.2001 May;268(10):3126-36
3. Saarelainen S, Rytkönen-Nissinen M, Rouvinen J, Taivainen A, Auriola S, Kauppinen A, Kinnunen T, Virtanen T. Animal-derived lipocalin allergens exhibit immunoglobulin E cross-reactivity. Clin Exp Allergy.2008 Feb;38(2):374-81. Epub 2007 Dec 7 .
4.. Immonen A, Kinnunen T, Sirven P, Taivainen A, Houitte D, Peräsaari J, Närvänen A, Saarelainen S, Rytkönen-Nissinen M, Maillere B, Virtanen T. The major horse allergen Equ c 1 contains one immunodominant region of T cell epitopes. Clin Exp Allergy.2007 Jun;37(6):939-47
Το παρόν άρθρο προστατεύεται από το νόμο περί πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας. Απαγορεύεται η μερική ή ολική αντιγραφή και χρήση του στο διαδίκτυο ή οποιοδήποτε άλλο έντυπο μέσο, εκτός και αν ζητηθεί έγγραφη άδεια από τον ιδιοκτήτη της παρούσας ιστοσελίδας.