. Allergopedia


Composition: Allergen extracts for sublingual immunotherapy. Standardised in TU (therapeutic units). Prepared individually according to medical prescription.

Other ingredients: Glycerol, sodium chloride, flavour and water for injections.

Indications: Specific immunotherapy of allergic diseases (IgE-mediated) induced by inhalation of unavoidable allergens.

Dosage: Atten­tion while increasing dosage, notice dosage schedule. Contraindications: Acute inflammatory diseases, inflammation of the airways, persistent and insufficient treated asthma, irreversible changes in reaction organs, cardiovascular insufficiency (cardiovascular diseases increase the risk of side effects of epinephrine), severe acute or chronic diseases (also malignant diseases), treatment with beta-blockers (local, systemic), multiple sclerosis, diseases of the immune system (immune defects, autoimmune diseases, etc.), active tuberculosis, severe psychological disorders, pregnancy.

Special caution should be given to ACE-inhibitor therapy and poor compliance. Observe contraindications for epinephrine.

Side effects: Side effects are seldom, there might occur local reactions in mouth and throat, rarely gastrointestinal ailment or increase of allergic reactions. Pharmaceutical form and packing sizes: Initiation and continuation treatment (Vial A: 3.000 TU/mL; Vial B: 30.000 TU/mL).

For additional information refer to the product leaflet. Available on prescription. Date of information: April 2009