. Allergopedia


Composition: POLLINEX® Trees contains glutaraldehyde-modified, standardised allergen extracts (allergoids) of 3 common tree pollens.

Indications: POLLINEX® Trees is an anti-allergy vaccine indicated for treatment of seasonal allergic hayfever due to tree pollen in patients who have failed to respond adequately to anti-allergy drugs. Diagnosis should be based on the careful consideration of the patient history and allergy tests, preferably skin tests.

Method of Administration: POLLINEX® Trees is formulated as a slow release subcutaneous injection.

Presentation: POLLINEX® Trees is presented in vials.The packs available are as follows: • Initial Course: 3 vials (No. 1 - No. 3) containing graduated doses (300 standardised units (SU)/0.5 ml (No.

- Flexible therapy with L-Tyrosine adsorbed allergoids

1), 800 SU/0.5 ml (No. 2) and 2,000 SU/0.5 ml (No. 3))

•           Extension Course: 1 vial of the No. 3
strength (2,000 SU/0.5 ml)

Dosing: 6 injections for combined treatment over 5 weeks.

Further information: This product is available in the following markets:

UK - Pollinex Trees

Germany - TA Baume top

Italy - MATA PFS (unlicensed product - syringes only)

Czech Republic, Poland - POLLINEX Tree

Slovakia - POLLINEX Trees

•           Switzerland - Polvac Baume/Arbres
Presentation may differ from country to
country. Please contact your local office
for details. 

The following allergens are included in this immunotherapy:

• Alder {Alnus spp.), Birch (Betula spp.) and Hazel (Corylus spp.).